The MCITP is an abbreviation for the Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional certification. This brief article will give you ten important reasons why the MCITP certification will boost your information technology career.
1. Microsoft Certifications have strong Competitive Advantages. Major employers prefer hiring a candidate with an MCITP certification over an applicant with a degree in information technology.
A Microsoft certification will grant you full industry recognition for your understanding and proficiency with respect to the operation of network servers and related equipment. This fantastic achievement grants you a distinct competitive edge in writing RFPs, maintenance contracts, and bids for networking jobs. The MCITP will improve your job search, assist you in obtaining promotions, and provide future salary opportunities.
2. Increase Return on Investment (ROI)
Employing Microsoft Certified staff members produces confident and productive employees. This equates to better use of technology on the job site. The MCITP provides secure and effective technology resolutions resulting in saving down time and eliminating performance risks.
3. Improved team and group Projects Deployment
Networking is an information technologies functional area in which, a team’s skill level is directly responsible for a company’s ability to compete effectively in the market place. Several studies have concluded 75% of hiring managers believe that certifications are critical to team performance. This fact is vital to an organization’s productivity. Increased productivity translates itself into monetary compensation for the employee and the company who is fortunate enough to have this successful professional on staff.
4. Increased organizational performance and productivity
63% of hiring managers strongly believe certified applicants are more productive than their non-certified counterparts.
5. Certification creates a strong information technology staff.
Company’s who employ a certified staff have discovered a strong boost in the company’s work ethic. Certified professionals in many cases act as educators passing on vital information to staff members, which enables them to avoid costly mistakes, which may cause the organization to experience down time.
6. Improve customer satisfaction
66% of hiring managers firmly believe certifications improve the level of service and support in which customers receive from their organization. A Microsoft certification helps the individual understand the software products at a practical level resulting in easier understandable solutions offered to management.
7. Increased employee retention
45% of corporate employees agree that when their employers pay for certifications and exams, this benefit provides a strong incentive to remain at their current place of employment. Company loyalty is a rare commodity in today’s environment. A Microsoft certification is a major building block to creating loyalty to a company or an organization.
8. Microsoft Certification Member Benefits
A. When you become certified you will receive Logos and Certificates that will identify your MCITP – MCTS status
B. When you pass those exams, you will be granted private access to an exclusive Microsoft MCITP, MCTS, MCPD, and MCSE Certification Members only Website. The information you will receive from this exclusive website will put you light years ahead of your competition.
C. Exclusive discounts on Microsoft products and services.
Over a period of years the discounts you will receive will pay for the cost of your certification.
D. Access to career related tools
Government contractors, educational institutions, the non-profit sector, and numerous small businesses will hire only Microsoft certified personnel because of their access to Microsoft product solutions.
E. You will receive Invitations to industry conferences, training sessions, and special events.
9. Satisfaction and confidence
Getting certified builds your self-esteem. The confidence you will have in your achievement will resonate in your job interview like a shining star, which will dominate the galaxy of competition you must face when applying for that coveted position.
10. Monetary rewards
Having Microsoft Certification’s in your work resume portfolio will turn you into a key company asset. This achievement will translate into improved yearly compensation opportunities. All Microsoft certifications are recognized worldwide. You will be able to take them with you wherever you go.
The time for procrastination is over. Change your life by getting certified. If you have 10 or 20 years of experience, it must be documented. A Microsoft MCITP certificate is your solution for employment in this competitive job market.