When advertising your email list or really any other business you have to think outside the box as other people in the same niche. If someone is looking up well look down.. Get it? You have to be coming up with new ideas constantly, new ways to get your brand out there.
But anyway use these advertising ideas for new ones, test them out, really you just have to find what works for you.
1. Instead of always advertising online try to advertise your business offline. You can do things such as hand out flyers, post them around supermarkets and places like that, just think outside the box. And remember it never hurts to try anything, the worst that could happen is you failing. But just be prepared for it because sometimes things might not work out and sometimes they will!
2. What works for me the best out of any advertising method out there is article marketing. I have found out through research that traffic from articles seems to be something like %10 more responsive meaning that they are more likely to subscribe to your list and buy your product. This method will of course take a lot more time and effort compared to others but it is for sure worth it. You also have to remember to submit articles constantly, I try to submit up to 10 articles a day to different directories also. Article marketing will take time to build but in the end it’s all worth it.